Use a quality translation service to translate letters. The service should use a two-step, translate/proofread process to translate, and should use a native-language speaker for the translation or proofing. In particular, don't use a software program to translate English into Russian, as the result is 95% gibberish. The programs generate incorrect translations at best and mangled translations at worst. This will obviously not make the best Russian dating service experience.
There is only one chance to make a first impression with your Russian dating service recipients. Include an "attention-getter" when sending a letter, especially when contacting someone for the first time. This will ensure that recipients receiving many letters will read your letter. An excellent addition is a professional photo of yourself, scanned and color-printed. This helps remove anonymity and puts a face to the letter.
Another good option is to send a long-stemmed rose with the letter. This gets the letter read immediately, and is a sign of serious intentions. One could also include a small toy or teddy bear, which will forever be kept as the first and most important gift of a lifelong relationship.
Use a 3-way, interpreted telephone service to communicate personally in another language. Talking by telephone is an excellent way of maintaining and solidifying a new relationship. Use a 3-way call translation service when necessary to ensure clear comprehension during the conversation.
The best Russian dating service will use only native Russian-speaking, female interpreters for Russian-American fiancee conversations. The girls have the best insight into the sincerity of the recipient and can pass this along. Ask for a debriefing after the call to get the interpreter's opinion of the conversation and recipient.
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