As a country, Ukraine has faced a number of problems in recent history. Elections have been rigged, disputed, and overturned, and much of the country is in economic strife. However, many positive things have happened since the countries split from the Soviet Union, as well.
Communication lines have been opened between people in the Ukraine and people in the West. This has allowed people from both sides to learn a little more about the others' culture. Many American men have had their first glimpse at Ukrainian women and vise versa. This has led to the creation of several international dating services that do their best to put these two groups in contact with each other.
It would be a gross generalization to say all Ukrainian women are a certain way. However, according to most dating and marriage services the Ukrainian women on their sites share a few things in common. These sites often make the claim that Ukrainian women are more traditional than American women and that they simply make better wives. It is said that Ukrainian women are supportive and family-oriented.
Many of the women who use marriage services speak English very well. However, most sites do offer translation options should they be necessary. Some sites will even enroll women in English classes if they meet an American they intend to marry. This will make their transition to their new life in the United States a little bit easier.
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