A scammer-agency is an agency, which introduces the girls, who are not real. A scammer-agency has a database of non-existing persons. A database may include the photos of professional models or just beautiful girls, who are married already (as a rule, the girls have no idea that their photos are submitted to a database). Usually it is scanned from other databases.
The purpose of a scam is to attract customers by beautiful pictures. Normally, a scammer-agency has agents writing letters for the girls. If a man comes to meet a girl, usually he finds out that the girl is not available. Then, the agency does the best to make a customer to meet other girls. Usually a man agrees, as he has no way out. He has already covered a huge distance and it would be stupid not to try another chance. Thus, the goal of the agency is reached. They have got a customer and make money on him.
With the development of marriage industry the amount of scammer-agencies is becoming less and less. Different anti-scammers project were worked out to defend marriage customers.
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