Russian girls, Russian women are sexually harassed.
An official has for sale a 17 year old Russian girl, formerly of a poor family, who knows how to cook, sew, iron, and tend to a lady; has a nice figure and pretty face. - 1798 newspaper advertisement in Imperial Russia. "Twenty-two year old Russian woman, perfect in all ways, shapely, well-built, efficient, intelligent...seeks employment as a secretary....I will be a flower in your office. No intimate relationships." - Classified advertisement in a Moscow newspaper. The words "bez kompleksov", without inhibitions, is very common in Moscow employment ads. It is simply abbreviated, "b-k". Its meaning is clear to all. Russian women, out of choice or necessity, are sleeping with their bosses.
Russian women and sex in work place. The only thing Russian women and Ukraine women have of value in the market place is sex, explains M. Vandenberg, coordinator of women's organizations in Russia and Ukraine. A recent survey in various Russian cities indicated that one in three women have been victims of sexual harassment in their jobs. "Stereotypes are changing", opines Natalia Soboleva, director of a firm producing educational software. "Look at the messages young Russian women get from the media: 'Be a model, a secretary, find a wealthy husband!' Women listen to this because it's new, but I think it will result in serious disadvantages in the future. Russian ladies entrepreneurs. Soboleva herself is not a good example of which she speaks. A chemistry professor, Soboleva is also one of a growing number of Russian women entrepreneurs. One third of business women are engineers, 15% are bankers, and 10% are farmers. Most of the remaining 42% run small to medium size enterprises. Russian women began entering the post Soviet market economy late, after state assets were already divided up. But now there are many associations created to assist Russian women involved in business. Most believe that women's contributions in the work place have been undervalued and also believe that women workers are more hard working, more reliable, and more flexible than men. Russian men always try to create work structures that exclude people. Russian women, to the contrary, attempt to include others in their work groups.
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