There are more Russian women than men.
Russia has always suffered from a shortage of men relative to the number of Russian women (currently men make up only 44% of the total population). After the Second World War, in which 27 million Soviets were killed and the bulk of the casualties were male, this shortage was especially acute. There was even a popular song in the 1960s that went: "according to statistics, there are only nine men for ten Russian women". In many ways, this "deficit" has placed Russian men in an enviable position. Not only are they sought after, they also have more choices.
Russian women spoiled Russian men.
And yet, as Alexander Vorobyov, Editor-in-Chief of Medved (Bear) magazine, said: "when there are more Russian women than men, a man has less stimulus to 'win his girl.' Although this is still a question of a man's ambition." The surplus of Russian women has other consequences as well. "We're kind of spoiled here," Bezouglyi admitted wryly. "People in the States watch their mouth much more, they behave themselves, political correctness, all that. Over here, a man is still a man, and it's much easier to be a man here.
Russian women accept male chauvinism.
You can be a total male chauvinist pig here and feel perfectly fine. It's very accepted - by Russian women too." Promiscuity among men is also quite accepted, if not outright admired. Many Russians, for instance, could not understand what all the fuss was about regarding President Bill Clinton's ongoing sex scandals. Attitudes range from "Big deal!" to "Way to go, Bill!" So, in many ways, Russia remains a traditional society for Russian women and men. There is still the notion of men's work (outside the home) and women's work (taking care of the home, including everything from child care, to cooking, to - it appears - putting in nails in the bathroom), and Russian women are expected to cope with these tasks whether or not they have a job outside the home.
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