We realize that this may be the first time you have ever considered meeting a woman by using a service such as ours. This section is intended to allow you to benefit from the experience of others. By interviewing numerous men and researching volumes of material, we have compiled a top-ten list of hints that will prove beneficial in your research for a foreign woman. Even if you are an old hand at this, it's never too late to learn something new.
Click here to view previous newsletters with more good advice.
Do Not Send Money!!! Just like anywhere, there are honest people and there are dishonest people. The point of your correspondence is to develop a special relationship with a foreign woman, not to purchase one. We want you to be aware that you may contact women who will ask you for money for one reason or another. If you are asked for money it should immediately set off alarms and you should proceed very cautiously. There are instances where there may be a valid reason to send money to someone with whom you have been corresponding for some time. In that instance it is recommended that you send it via wire (Western Union). Background checks in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus -- confirm legitimacy of the agency, or check the lady you correspond with.
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