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Internet Dating services for Russian women
Except marriage agencies, there are also different Internet-dating sites. These types of sites are not marriage agencies. They are free for women who are interested in finding a partner. A person submits his/her profile and photo to a database. When profile is in a database, anybody can have an access to it.

A good thing about this service is that it is open to anybody and introduction is natural and direct. And it is also its weak point as it is open to any sorts of persons not necessary marriage-minded. There is a high possibility of meeting a scammer or player on a dating site.

Dating services are not necessary meant for those persons, who look a partner for a long-term relationship. People submitting to dating sites may have diverse intentions. They may search for a penpal, travel company, flirt, short-term relationship and etc

Dating services do not have any censorship. They do not provide a scammer-protecting system for customers. If compare dating sites with marriage agencies, the first ones give more possibilities for their customers (viewing of additional pictures, which is free of charge, email and phone numbers exchanging and etc.) Scammers can take the advantages of uncontrolled contacts. Scammer-girls may ask money for their needs (for making additional (naked) pictures, for tickets, for visa, for international passport, for helping their sick relatives and etc.)

The girls using dating services are quite good at English and computer (Internet), that’s why they sound very convincing in their letters. It is hard to recognize how sincere a girl is.

A lot of Russian women do not speak English or any other foreign language enough to be able to associate with foreigners. Few of Russian girls have access to email. Thus, marriage agencies have larger databases of women’s profiles.

There are also ICQ or online intercourse and sms contacts as a kind of dating services.

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