Famous Russian women |
What attracts Russian women — curiosity, self-interest, love? There can be a lot of reasons. But more often they leave in search of happiness. Of course life is not always fair: not everybody finds happiness abroad. But I would like to tell you about some Russian women who were lucky to find their great love abroad getting married a foreigner.
Ingenious Pablo Picasso had Russian wife — Olga Hokhlova, the ballerina from Moscow. At the beginning of their life she stimulated creativity of the artist: she is represented as Russian beauty on Picasso`s canvases, and later, after a birth of son Paolo, as Madonna with baby. How it happened, that Picasso had fallen in love with the ballerina who, in opinion of his friends, was an ordinary person? The artist was then 36 years and had in Paris noisy and at times scandalous popularity. But the Russian beauty of Olga seemed to him like an «exotic». Just with Olga he managed to get rid of internal loneliness. He called her «an oasis of calmness», a haven where he could have a rest from eternal burning passions and the decision of «super problems».
A great French writer Romen Rollan also had found the muse in the Russian woman — Maria Pavlovna Kudasheva. She was a widow and had a small son Sergey. In 1923 Maria Kudasheva having read a novel «Jan — Christof» wrote a letter to its author about the impression the book had made on her. The writer has answered, and they began to correspond. In 1934 Maria Kudasheva became an official wife of Romen Rollan. It was really a happy and profitable marriage for the writer. Maria has managed to become the active assistant in all his creative beginnings.
A French artist Anri Matiss in his creativity is obliged to a Russian Lady — her name was Lydia Delektorskaja. A young Russian woman Lydia Nikolaevna Delektorskaja appeared in October, 1932 in Paris in workshop of great French artist Anri Matiss as an assistant. After several years she became his model, besides she was a secretary and the close friend for him, remaining with the artist up to the end of his days.
The younger sister of Lily Brick Elza Brick married a Frenchman Andre Triole and has left Russia. Later Elza met the known poet and prose writer Lui Aragon and became his wife. By this time she was a well-known writer already. She called her husband Aragosha — they read the works of each other — everybody had found its dream in this literary family.
So we see that Russian Ladies often become Muses of well-known foreign people. Experience of these families shows, that the most reliable marriage is a peaceful co-existence of two sovereign states. Certainly if two persons are capable to live in harmony with each other…
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