No equality for Russian women
The former USSR boasted that it provided equally to all Russian women and men, but in fact it did not. Upward mobility was and is very daunting. Even today education is prized because of the dearth of opportunity in the free market. In the Soviet Past upward movement in society was based on profession and position which depended entirely on education. Education in engineering, the medical field, fine arts and sciences have been the usual choices for Russian women. The successful completion of post high school education by women is very high. But unfortunately in today's Russia a taxi driver makes twice the income of a brain surgeon.
Russian women view older men as more reliable
It is quite true that in today's Russia, there is an abundance of beautiful women. Dating between older men and younger women has always been accepted in European culture and even more so in Russia. Older men are viewed as more mature, stable and worldly. Russian women consider that an older man has achieved his success in the world and correctly view that a young man may never achieve success. And furthermore, most young Russian women would choose a man according to his qualities as a person, not his age.
Russian women like most foreign women are not biased against age
As a matter of fact, most foreign women, which also includes Asian women, Latin women and Eastern European women, have the same attitude toward age difference in international dating and marriage as Russian women. It is a cultural phenomenon around the world, with the glaring exception of the U.S.A. This phenomenon has always existed in China. Russian women, like Chinese women consider that a proven man is a far better bet than an unproven man. And even if a woman's man dies before her, her children, who will have benefited from the advantages provided by a proven man, will be better able to support her after her husband's death. So, yes, Russian women absolutely will date and marry older men. It's in their history, their culture. |
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